Beachside Blog

The Color Run Wollongong

Welcome to the happiest 5km on the planet AND the happiest team in the happiest 5km on the planet. the Color Run Wollongong has arrived and this will Beachside Personal Trainers’ first event! We’d love to have you on the team and are looking forward to getting super colourful together!

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Timetable Available Now!

Beachside Personal Trainers has a range of services to suit your needs and your personality. Whether it’s one-on-one Personal training, Buddy Training with your partner or friend, Personal Training gives you that extra focus you need. Or if you love being social we have a ball in any of our training groups. Or mix and match for the perfect all round fitness and fat loss.

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Do Muscles Help Lose Weight?

Yes. Muscles help lose weight. In fact, they are your strongest weapon in burning fat and keeping it off longer, as well as whole range of other reasons and amazing health benefits you get for building and maintaining your muscle. Research and evidence is quickly building up and up on the effect muscle mass has on your level of body fat as well a whole spectrum of other lifestyle health issues.

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