
Read the testimonials to see the amazing results our clients have achieved and how much their lives have changed for the better. With a little motivation, some guidance and training with us you can expect to achieve your goals and change your lives like all of our clients.

I Look Forward To Working Out

My Personal Training with Kieran was very rewarding. I felt like I needed something extra and wanted to retain my health and keep feeling good in the future years. Kieran is very lucid and has an excellent way of communicating and encouraging one to complete the set goal. I look forward to working out and my healthy lifestyle and am very pleased with my results I obtained.

Peter Comino, Shellharbour

I Really Needed To Re-Focus On Me

I was feeling fat, sluggish, unmotivated, I was always tired and I couldn’t be bothered doing anything using excuses like work and other commitments were taking up my time. I really needed to re-focus on me and wanted to get back into training.

Kieran is a one-stop knowledge shop and an exceptional Personal Trainer. He gets to know you as a person so he understands your needs. He helped me rebuild myself from the outside in and really focuses on YOU.

Through my flexible and fun personal training and exercise program, I am now fitter and more motivated and can push my boundaries even further and feel I can do anything.

Jo Thomas, Shellharbour


Personal Training Makes Exercising Fun

I used to feel fat and so started losing weight with a friend but found we started to fall back into old habits and again needed motivating. We could not look at ourselves in the mirror and feel comfortable or keep up with our children. We were both in the same boat and decided to do something about it.

Kieran has taught us to be self motivating so we can keep it up on our own. We’ve lost over 33kgs and feel great. We can out run our kids and when we catch our reflection we think- ‘Wow. Is that me? I have muscles, guns even! Bye-bye flabby arms!’

We are now a few steps closer to achieving the body shape we want, we know it is a lifestyle change and are happy to do it! Personal Training makes exercising fun. Who would have thought we would become exercise junkies?!

Linda & Sharon

The Right Blend of Physical and Mental Challenges

For me it was perfect timing starting in Spring, more motivation to get outside and get more active after hibernating through the winter.  I was soooo ready for a 12 week challenge and your 12 week challenge was perfect for me, the right blend of physical and mental challenges, support and information.  I really enjoyed your No Sweat Sessions and the meal plans.  It was great to hear other people’s ideas and share their journeys.  And you had impeccable timing with your text messages urging us on, reminding us to resist temptation etc.  A great package Kieran!


I Have So Much More Core Strength Now

I had been training for a while but needed something to change it up a bit. I was having a lot of trouble trying to tone, strengthen and develop my back and core. For the physical dance/combat I do it is essential that I have a strong back and core but no matter what I did I couldn’t get results.

Kieran helped me with what to focus on and the techniques required to get maximum results out of every exercise and sessions separately. The constant supervision and direction let me know what I was doing right and wrong and how to make it even better. The exposure to different exercises and techniques helps keep things fresh too. I have so much more core strength now and energy and confidence on stage.

Michael Lin