
Read the testimonials to see the amazing results our clients have achieved and how much their lives have changed for the better. With a little motivation, some guidance and training with us you can expect to achieve your goals and change your lives like all of our clients.

Kieran Showed Me How To Get The Results I Needed

When I joined NSW Police Academy earlier in the year, I was lucky to reach 5.1 on the beeps test. I needed help so I hired Kieran as my Personal Trainer and have never looked back. Kieran has shown me how to get the results I needed for and after training hard and with him I went up more than two levels on the beep test reaching over level 7 and achieved a massive overall improvement on all other fitness and strength test requirements.

I recommend Kieran to anyone wanting to join the police force as he knows what the test involves, how to get fit for it and how to support and motivate you when training gets tough. Even if you don’t need to pass any tests, Kieran’s style and approach to training is open, honest and inspiring.

Lisa, Lake Heights

Whatever You Want To Achieve, Kieran Will Help You

If you want to achieve a goal, look no further. In the time I have known Kieran, I have seen him transform the lives of so many people. I have seen him take the average person wanting to lose some weight and get in shape and support and encourage them to become national champions. And he does so all with a smile on his face. I know whatever you want to achieve, Kieran will help you do it.

Brad Mottershead, Shellharbour

I Have Shape And I’m Happier and More Cheerful

My blood pressure had sky rocketed in recent years and the doctor had told me that I was at a high risk of having a stroke at any time. The reason I was heading down this path was because I put on quite a bit of weight, I didn’t care about what I ate, and I never exercised. It got to the point that when I woke up and went to go to the bathroom I would feel dizzy and lighted headed and I was always over tired. I tried to exercise but badly needed some motivation and some routine.

I felt, when having a Personal Trainer, I put in double the effort that I did when I was on my own. Instead of putting in 100% I put in 200! I have lost heaps of weight. I don’t eat junk food anymore, it actually makes me feel sick. I don’t fall asleep on the way home anymore. I don’t puff on the way up the hill to work, it’s like a breeze now, and I have muscle tone! I’m happier, more cheerful and have shape!

Vasiliki Molvalis