
Read the testimonials to see the amazing results our clients have achieved and how much their lives have changed for the better. With a little motivation, some guidance and training with us you can expect to achieve your goals and change your lives like all of our clients.

I Have More Energy To Run Around After Crawling Babies

I Have More Energy To Run Around After Crawling Babies

Having a newborn to care for left me feeling tired from lack of sleep and no exercise. I needed to do something about it and I started training with Kieran’s Fit Mums group for motivation and fitness, to lose the extra weight that I put on through my pregnancy and to get out in the fresh air with my baby and meet some other mums.

I like that I can now push myself harder than I would training on my own and also having more variety in our training sessions than I could think of doing myself. The nice surroundings in the park with the duck pond made it that much better for me and bub!

I am now more motivated and I like that I can see and feel results. I have lost body fat gained through pregnancy and am stronger and have more energy to run after crawling babies. I feel healthier, more energetic, I have better posture and it’s easier to get up and down and do things like lifting the pram in and out of the car.

Breeze Davies

I’ve Lost 34kg and Run A Half Marathon!

I was always a fit teenager due to playing a lot of sport and then becoming a tennis coach for 13 years so being active was always a part of my daily rhythm. It was until I changed careers and moved into an office job where I sat at a desk all day; I started to see the weight pile on. I had the mindset; “I’ll start my diet on Monday”. Monday never seemed to come. It was always postponed to the following Monday.

It wasn’t until I saw photos of myself from Christmas last year I realised it was time to make a big lifestyle change and return to exercise to get fit and healthy again. I remember weighing myself before I attended my first Beachside session in January at 104.1kg. I knew then I had to set some goals and keep myself accountable and not fall back into old habits. It was that first session on the beach which was a turning point. I remember feeling like I was going to vomit and fall in a heap but I got through the session and I remember I couldn’t wait to come back for another.

I have become stronger, healthier, and back to my old happy self since returning to Beachside on a daily basis. I can now do so many things I never thought I could before. I get up at 5:30 in the morning to exercise and look forward to it. I now get cranky when I can’t attend session. From Bootcamp to Boxing, to TRX and amazing Personal Training sessions, I am on a journey which is changing my life for the better.

I started running in March this year after only being able to run a few kilometers. I used to think to myself; “running? No, not for me”. Joining the run group was an especially momentous occasion for me because I was always one of those people who thought they couldn’t run! I loved it so much so I kept coming and with the support of the Beachside crew I completed my first City2Surf and then a half marathon in August.

So far have lost a total of 34 kilos since starting my journey with Beachside. I have met so many lifelong friends and we have all become a Beachside family. I have become stronger, healthier, and back to my old happy self.

Cel Keys

New Clothes Look And Fit So Much Better

I had put on 10 kilos and felt fat and weak. I needed to lose weight but had a lack of motivation. I was an emotional eater, I quit smoking, night and day shift played with my sleep patterns and may lack of physical activity and eating became bad habits. I knew I wouldn’t last two months at a gym so I decided to get a personal trainer.

Kieran’s motivation and training variety like boxing and even swimming had me feeling stronger than I have in years. My shape has changed drastically and new clothes look and fit so much better, but best of all I feel like I’m alive again.

Suzi Parkinson

I Went From A Tight Size 12 Down To A Comfortable Size 8

I wasn’t exercising, I was lazy, I had zero will power, no motivation and thought I ate like a pig. All this had me feeling fat, gross, wobbly, unhealthy, disgusting and I felt really old, like I was 100! Because I was fat I had no motivation and needed someone to push me. I was matron of honour in my best friend’s wedding that was coming up and I needed to fit into my dress.

I hated exercising by myself but with Kieran it was fun, my sessions were and always different. He was even motivating enough to make me do it on my own! I lost the kilos I needed to go from a tight size 12 down to a comfortable size 8. My eating habits are so much better, I’m skinnier, happier, more motivated in life in general.

Since then Kieran has been my Personal Trainer to keep me fit so my husband and I could get pregnant. We trained the whole way through the pregnancy keeping a close eye on my weight and fitness which helped me to bounce back quicker and easier after my child was born.

Mary Effthimou

For The First Time In A Long Time I Feel Like Me Again

I’d like to say a huge thank you for helping me to get my life back on track.  Not only did I lose the extra weight with Bootcamp but I gained a real joy of running!!  I never used to run and if anyone ever asked I would say I couldn’t run to save my life!!  Now I find it’s what I want to do to relax!!  When I am stressed I know getting out there helps me so much!  I also push myself and enjoy that feeling of finding it hard – for me it’s no good if it’s easy!

I also got back a lot of confidence with losing the weight and exercising.  For the first time in a LONG time I feel like me again.  I felt ready to get back into the world (after being a stay at home mum for 7 years).  So last Sept I started a Cert III in Financial Services, loved it so much I went back and did a Cert IV in Business at the beginning of this year!  And now I am back in the workforce – I got employed by the company who I studied the Cert IV with!  My first gigantic step was with you and your Bootcamp – so thank you for being so instrumental in my life!

Fiona Wade