Wollongong Triathlon

Get ready, the Wollongong Triathlon is almost here and now is the perfect time to start training. If you’re a beginner and would like to see what all the fuss is about, our group is perfect for you If you’ve done a few or even a heap and are looking to build your fitness and strength and improve your triathlon experience we can help you too. If you’re not going to stop at anything to come first, you’ll punch, kick and scratch until you’re in front… well we’re probably not the group for you!


The Beachside TriClub is made up of mostly people like yourself who are interested in building their fitness and think triathlons would be a fun way to do that. Our main goals are to complete the event, enjoy it and try to improve ourselves each time. The Wollongong Triathlon is the perfect event to have a taste of triathlons but I warn you, it is highly addictive.


The Wollongong Triathlon is on 6th-8th March and is held in the stunning Wollongong Harbour. It consists of a swim then a bike ride, finishing with a run all in one go, in that order. you can complete the entire triathlon in full or you can complete one leg (eg the run) and a friend or two can complete the other two (eg the swim and cycle). There is a distance for everyone from the first timer to the all timer!


Try A Tri


The Wollongong Triathlon Try A Tri is on Sat 7th march and is the perfect way to start out. It consists of a 200m swim, an 8km ride and a 2km run or walk and flippers are allowed in the swim…


And for the first time ever, IT’S FREE!!!!


If you want to give it a go, you have swimmers, can get hold of a bike and have some shoes, this is definitely the triathlon for you. And we’d love to be the ones to help you get there and be there to experience the amazing feeling of completing your first triathlon with you. You’ve got nothing to lose. Come along to a few training and info sessions with us at Beachside, get to know the other first timers, grab some pointers from the guys who have done a few before and you’ll have an awesome day with some awesome new friends. I guarantee it.




The Enticer is also a great starting point. On Sat 6th you would complete a 300m swim, 7km bike ride and a 2km run and if you feel like it, flippers can be worn in this one too. this is a great distance for those who feel confident enough with their distances but may be jumping in for the first time.


Sprint & Olympic


The Sprint Distance Wollongong Triathlon is for those who are ready to go to the next level or who are at least moderately fit and would like a bigger challenge for their first triathlon. It is made up of a 750m swim, 20km cycle and a 5km run. This distance is held on Sun 8th March with the Olympic Distance which is really for experienced triathletes only who have a few races under their belt already. It is a 1.5km swim, 40km bike ride and a 10km run.




Beachside Personal Trainers are holding FREE training and info sessions every Saturday at 6am down around Shellharbour Beach for anyone at all who’d like to work on their swimming, cycling and running and who would like to learn a little more about equipment you need, how to use your bike, what to do in transition and what to expect on the day from start to finish. It is completely free so come down and try it out. We also offer Run Classes throughout the week and other fitness classes to build your cardio fitness, strength and even lose a few kgs so you won’t need to carry them around the tri course with you 🙂


IMG_0014aHow To Join The Wollongong Triathlon


You can register right here straight away or for a little more info just go to the Wollongong Triathlon webpage here and click on the distance you choose for more information. When you enter the Try-A-Tri you’ll be asked to enter a name and email of someone who referred you. That person gets $25 off another triathlon entry this season. So if you have a friend who will be entering another triathlon this season pop their name and email in the box to get them a bit of a discount next time. If not feel free to pop one of our team members or my name and email in the box to help another Beachsider out.


You should also join the Wollongong Triathlon Beachside Facebook Group Page to keep up to date with all the training and event info but also to help others, ask questions and post some motivational pics too!


I’m really glad you’ve decided to join us for your Beachside Triathlon experience and if you have any questions at all about training or the event, please don’t hesitate to contact me (Kieran) using the contact info at the bottom right hand corner of this page.