What Is My True Weight?

What is my true weight? My weight on the scales fluctuates all the time and I have no idea what it really is. Does that sound familiar? When you are on a weight loss mission the scales seem to be the all powerful being of the universe and can start off a great day or bring you to tears in a second.

The first thing I must emphasise is, the scales are not the most important thing here, in fact they are one of the least important. Scales won’t tell you how much fat you have, how much muscle you comprise of. Why do you need to know you true weight? It won’t let you know if you are at risk of ill health, if you look good, it can’t tell you how you feel or how long you have left to live. The scales only tell you how much you weigh.

I will get on to telling you how to find your true weight but I just want to absolutely make sure that although it is nice to see the number on the scales go down, it is not something that should impact your day and become obsessed about. Measurements such as your body fat percentage and waist line are far more important to your health and your clothes size, how you look in the mirror, and how you feel are much better indicators of weather you are getting closer to your goal. Because how you feel is much more important.

How Do I Find My True Weight?

Follow these 8 simple steps-

Get Naked – To make sure all your measurements are consistent always weigh yourself without clothes on. Different articles of clothing have different weights so if you can’t or don’t want to weight in the nude then try to get as close to the same clothes as possible each time.

Timing – Stopping the fluctuations in the scales is impossible because that’s the way our bodies work, but weighing in at the same time of the day each time will make it much more consistent.

Early Bird – The best time to find your true weight is first thing in the morning, That way there are less factors that can impact on your weight such as what you have eaten, when you are it, exercise and physical activity and hydration levels.

Pre Brekkie – Make sure you jump on before you eat or drink anything that morning, it can affect your reading but more to the point, it eliminates some extra excuses if it goes up!

Consistent Movements – Bowel movements that is. Either go to the toilet before you get on the scales each time or after, but be consistent. Do it the same way each time because it will change your true weight.

How Often? – That is up to you. I recommend fortnightly for the pure fact it takes away the obsession you can develop with the scales. Weekly is ok and daily can give you information on what in particular days has caused your weight to drop or increase, but if you do this expect to see your weight go up every now and then, and don’t freak out.

If you use it as a guide and are not emotionally attached then daily is fine. If you stress and go crazy when you see the numbers go up (and they will sometimes) then definitely go to weekly weigh-ins or more.

Same-Same – Just as everything else has to be consistent, so does the scales you use. Use the same scales all the time and make sure they are on the same surface. By changing from the smooth bathroom tiles to a rough outdoor ground, you will not get your true weight. And changing scales will give completely different results.

Number Or Direction? – Last of all, it is not the number you should be focussing on, because many scales will give you a different weight. As long as they are reliable scales the most important thing to look at is if the number is going up or down. That way you’ll know if you are putting on or losing weight.

Don’t forget the number on the scales should not be the end result. It is how you feel, what you do and your health that is the most important. Now you know how to get your true weight, pout it together with waist measurements, clothes size, fitness tests and how you look and feel.

Work harder, work smarter

Kieran Sernig

Weight Loss Shakes, Meal Replacements & Protien Powders

What Are Protein Powders?

And should I have them?

Protein powders are a supplement to your meals so you can fit a nutritious, healthy, quick and cheap meal/snack into your day. Do you need them? No. You can get everything you need from your meals, protein shakes just give a more convenient way to get it in.

What Aren't They?

Let's bust some myths.

Here are a few misconceptions about shakes, powders and potions.
  1. They don't burn your fat, it's just like eating a healthy meal but all the nutrients have been counted for you.
  2. They don't make you bulk up, again, it's just like eating a healthy meal. You have to do lots of weights to build a lot of muscle.
  3. You don't have to drink them at certain times only, it's just like eating any other food.
  4. You never use shakes as your only food source no matter what some of these crazy diets tell you!

Do I Want One?

Read on to decide.

There are a few reasons you may want a protein powder-
  1. At about $2 per meal they work out cheaper than food.
  2. If you are in a hurry they are quick to make.
  3. If you eat on the run they are easily transportable.
  4. If you don't get a lunch break or time to eat they are quick to eat.
  5. You don't need a fridge to store your meal.
  6. If you won't eat for a while, the protein shakes I recommend keep you fuller for longer.
  7. If you have a sweet tooth this is a sweet food that should satisfy your chocolate craving.
Remember, food does the same job, these are just a quick and easy version for those who need or want it.

Which One Should I Get?

Choose carefully.

CAUTION- A "meal replacement" shake has to have a certain amount of carbohydrates in it to let them print "meal replacement" on the label. If you read the nutritional label on the back of a "meal replacement" shake and then read the label on the back of a bulking or mass building or weight gainer shake, you would find they are almost identical. If you are trying to lose weight I highly recommend a protein shake that has a blend of each of these different proteins. WPI goes into your system straight away. WPC goes into your system a little slower, casein and albumen go into your system even slower again. By getting a bit of each of these in your shake, your system is then slowly fed from start to finish. It's hard to find shakes with all of these in it. Just like a Low GI meal, a high protein low sugar protein shake keeps you fuller for longer and helps keep your mood stable. You should get something that is low in carbohydrates (around 20g or less per 100g of powder). Something that is low in fat (around 5g or less per 100g of powder). And of course something high in protein (around 70g or more per 100g of powder).

One VERY Important Thing

It has to taste good.

Let's face it, it doesn't matter how good this thing is for you, if you don't like the taste you won't want it will you? I've tried a lot of protein powders and there aren't that many that taste good. I'm giving it to you straight- the best tasting protein powders in the world taste good after you're second or third shake. The first time you taste it you won't think it's that great. After a few days you get used to it and most people actually enjoy the one I like to use. Don't think it's going to taste just like a Wendy's super thick shake. Those things are loaded with sugar and fat and that's why they taste so good, but these shakes I recommend are the best I've tried, otherwise I wouldn't recommend them!

When Do You Take Them?

This bit's easy.

Your protein shake will simply replace one (or two max) of your meals or snacks in the day. Or you only use it when you know you won't get time to eat or are on the road or something similar. You can make it a regular meal every week or just you use it as any emergency meal. I have one first thing in the morning because I'm up at around 5 and don't get home for breakfast until later. I also take one with me if I have a run of sessions together and know I won't be able to get home to eat for a few hours. I don't want my body going into starvation mode and eating my muscle and storing any body fat!

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As always, I try and save you money where I can so I buy in bulk and can negotiate some pretty sweet deals for you and myself, so if you'd like a tub while I've got some nice and cheap, just head to the online store here and order.
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