Daylight Savings Timetable
And A New Class
Daylight savings ends on Sunday April 5th which means we all get to sleep for an extra hour and the sun will now rise a little earlier! That’s great news for our morning sessions as we get our light back again. YAY! It also means it gets darker an hour earlier than normal in the afternoons so the flood lights come out once again, some of our run routes change slightly and…
Our afternoon sessions will start at 5.30pm instead of 6.00pm.
Ok? So clocks change on Easter Sunday, we have Easter Monday off then our first afternoon class that starts at 5.30pm will be Wednesday 8th April.
We have also added a new class to our timetable at 6.00am on Saturday which is a Run Group! And I have added a few extra runs to the rotation as well. I’ve taken on board suggestions and wishes and I think all the runners will be pleased. If you haven’t joined a Run Group class yet and are thinking about it, I recommend you get into it now. You don’t have to be able to run, that’s what the class is here for. To help you learn.
And yes that means we have Run Group at 6am and Bootcamp at 7am on Saturday. Too much? You won’t be able to do it? That’s what most people say… until they do it. Double your calorie burn, double your fitness in 2 hours of power with Beachside Super Saturday!
If you have any recommendations, time changes, class changes or requests please let me know. After all, you are the reason Beachside Personal Trainers is here. Here is the new timetable. |