Here’s what’s blocking your results…

Good morning, Blog,

This next 4 weeks of lockdown I want to focus on one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you can do when it comes to getting ACTUAL results while being locked in at home.

And this one thing will also help:

  • Your health
  • Your workout/sports performance
  • Up your energy levels
  • Reduce painful joints
  • The quality of your skin and hair
  • Your heart
  • Your brain
  • How you feel now and into the future.


Big stuff, right?!

It has to do with what you EAT.

Because there’s a direct line between your food intake and EVERY one of the things on that list (plus a lot more).

This isn’t groundbreaking news. But …

There might be something specific standing in your way of putting it into action.

FACT: There’s a type of food specifically engineered to make you crave more of it.

And this food product is also crammed with some of the worst things for your body that you can eat: added sugars, unhealthy fats, salt, and loads of extra (empty!!!) calories.

→ It’s “Ultra-Processed Food” – cookies, chips, donuts, chocolate bars, sweetened cereals, sweetened granola bars, fast food, white bread, mashed potato flakes, etc. – and many scientists agree it’s ADDICTING.


And even if it’s not ACTUALLY addicting, studies have found these “foods” stimulate the reward pathways in your brain the same way some drugs do.

So, not only is this “food” NOT GOOD for you, it makes you crave even MORE of it.

This is a huge area of research right now.

I put quotes around “food” because it actually bears very little resemblance to real food. It has basically been stripped of its nutrition (fibre and micronutrients).

I have a LOT of great info coming for you about these “foods” and shifting away from eating them.

BUT FIRST … it all starts with AWARENESS.

Start paying attention to what you’re craving (and what foods you are eating). Keep track!

Write down what you’re craving, and also when. Documenting all of this will help you find patterns – and it’s also a great way to start taking back control.

So that’s your mini-assignment for the next few days – notice the who/what/when/where/why of any cravings you have.

No judgment! Just pay attention and keep track.

Are you up for it?! Email me back and let me know.

Make it an amazing day,

Kieran Sernig

PS: Ready to take your results to the next level in lockdown? Check out my COVID Kilos Crackdown Program. 1on1 coaching, training and accountability towards your goals.

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